Monthly Archives: October 2023

Understanding Offshore Dolphin Behavior


High-resolution data-loggers reveal fine-scale movement and foraging behavior of offshore dolphins “Bill,” an Atlantic spotted dolphin, with a satellite-linked tag on his dorsal fin and DTAG on his back upon release in September 2022. During offshore health assessments in September 2022, we deployed digital-acoustic archival tags (DTAGs) via suction cups on

Understanding Offshore Dolphin Behavior2024-06-27T15:57:54+00:00



Dolphin F295 Stats Name: F295 (formerly C79A) Sex: Female Age: Born 2021 A Dolphin's Life We’ve observed F295 more than 50 times since our first sighting of her as a newborn on April 7, 2021. She was the 11th calf

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