Health and Physiology

These posts are about health and physiology studies conducted by the SDRP.

Microplastics Detected in Dolphin Breath


Every Breath They Take? New Study Suggests Dolphins are Inhaling Plastics A member of the SDRP research team holds a petri dish over a dolphin's blowhole to collect a breath sample during a health assessment. In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers have detected microplastic particles in the

Microplastics Detected in Dolphin Breath2024-11-18T10:43:44+00:00

Dolphins and Microplastics


Study Finds Evidence that Dolphins are Ingesting Microplastics A new study in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Marine Science has found evidence that members of the Sarasota Bay dolphin community are inadvertently ingesting microplastics as part of their diet — a finding that has implications for another long-lived apex predator that eats seafood:

Dolphins and Microplastics2024-11-13T13:25:36+00:00

DWH: 12 Years On


A Dozen Years After the Deepwater Horizon Disaster, We're Still Documenting Impacts to Dolphins April 2022 marks the anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. A dozen years after this disastrous event, scientists are still identifying the long-term impacts on the local Barataria Bay

DWH: 12 Years On2024-11-14T15:38:46+00:00

When Dolphins and Freshwater Mix


What Happens When Dolphins and Freshwater Mix? Prolonged exposure to freshwater is linked to adverse health conditions, immune deficiencies, and even dolphin deaths, but there’s still a lot we don’t understand. SDRP Post-doctoral Scientist Dr. Christina Toms was conducting photo identification surveys in Pensacola Bay, Florida, as part of an

When Dolphins and Freshwater Mix2021-11-09T18:35:46+00:00

Exploring Microbiomes


Exploring Microbiomes The science of understanding microbiomes has received increasing attention over the past few decades, especially in the context of understanding animal health. Microbomes are a collection of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) living together and interacting with each other in an environment. Animals — including humans — have

Exploring Microbiomes2021-10-13T13:13:42+00:00
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