Monthly Archives: March 2021

Crunch! Understanding Eagle Ray Diets


Crunch! Understanding Eagle Ray Diets For the first time, a team of researchers has demonstrated that passive acoustic recorders can be used to help identify the prey that whitespotted eagle rays (Aetobatus narinari) eat, based merely on the crunching sounds the rays make when they crush a mollusk shell. From

Crunch! Understanding Eagle Ray Diets2021-03-18T13:29:16+00:00

Uncovering Spotted Eagle Ray Migrations Along Florida’s Coastlines


Uncovering Spotted Eagle Ray Migrations Along Florida’s Coastlines A new study is providing insights into the mysterious migrations of whitespotted eagle rays — uncovering interesting differences in the movements of rays along Florida’s east and west coasts and providing important information for species conservation. The whitespotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari)

Uncovering Spotted Eagle Ray Migrations Along Florida’s Coastlines2021-03-08T13:39:54+00:00

Evaluating Costs and Benefits of Intervention


Evaluating the costs and benefits of intervening when dolphins face life threatening entanglements Some of the most popular stories we tell are about the successful rescues we’ve undertaken to save wild dolphins with life-threatening injuries from entanglement in fishing gear or other types of debris. Social media posts about these

Evaluating Costs and Benefits of Intervention2023-11-07T14:39:23+00:00
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