Monthly Archives: July 2021

SDRP Earns Disney Conservation Hero Award


SDRP staff includes (top row, in the tower) Jonathan Crossman, Dr. Katie McHugh; (middle row) Kim Bassos-Hull, Aaron Barleycorn, Dr. Krystan Wilkinson; (bottom row) Jason Allen, Dr. Randy Wells and Dr. Christina Toms, with interns Jessica Barrios, Leticia Megpali Estevão and Amy Cabeceiras.  CZS's Sarasota Dolphin Research Program Earns Disney Conservation Hero Award

SDRP Earns Disney Conservation Hero Award2021-07-28T13:24:28+00:00



Dolphin F233 Stats Name: F233 Sex: Female Age: Born 2010 A Dolphin's Life We’ve observed F233 more than 330 times since her birth in May 2010. She gave birth to her own first calf in 2019. We had just one sighting of F233 and

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