Monthly Archives: July 2023

Siesta Key’s “Squirt” the Dolphin


This year (2023) we’ve been getting a lot of questions about a tagged dolphin that people have been seeing frequently around Siesta Key. Meet dolphin F326, also known as Squirt! He is a young male dolphin born in 2019. We first observed him in November 2022 as an independent juvenile and, during a health

Siesta Key’s “Squirt” the Dolphin2023-07-28T16:36:28+00:00



Dolphin F326 Stats Name: F326, also known as Squirt Sex: Male Age: Born 2019 A Dolphin's Life This year (2023) we’ve been getting a lot of questions about a tagged dolphin that people have been seeing frequently around Siesta Key. Meet


Offshore Dolphin Health Assessment


On May 17-18, 2023, we tagged and collected biological samples from two bottlenose and two Atlantic spotted dolphins 25-38 miles offshore of Sarasota during the third of four planned offshore health assessment and tagging sessions supported by a grant from the Florida RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Program. All four dolphins received suction-cup-mounted

Offshore Dolphin Health Assessment2024-06-27T15:59:46+00:00
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